From the Focus Gallery Exhibition

The Addendums

All Focus Gallery exhibitions contain four elements:

Exhibition Work, Curator Comments, Work Description and Artist Statement.


The Exhibition Work

Joseph Kinnebrew

July – August




A demanding technique.

For appreciators of drawing these uncommon compositions are rich and rewarding. The process is time consuming and exceedingly responsive to the artists sensitive pressure when pressing down on the pencils tip. The rich details in these are achieved with nuanced blending and uses of different and sometimes contrasting colors.   

These Kinneberew works are done on Strathmore Bristol smooth surface paper using lead and Prizmacolor pencils. Prizmacolor pencils have a very high pigment content combined with a core made of wax, clay, and other ingredients.

There are 150 colors of Prizmacolor pencils known in England as Karismacolor.

The Curators Comments


Invented in 1938 this medium and technique was often seen and now collected exquisite classical architectural renderings. They along with artist drawings using the samae medium are rarely seen today. Perhaps it is the time patience, unhurried delicate touch that that makes them such a rarity in today’s contemporary art.

Artist drawings are not common these days in galleries or even museum shows. The general public places lesser value on them, instead often drawn to and preferring the drama , scale, mediums of paint on canvas or textured papers collectivly done in two dimension. And yet in these simple works we see the spark and the moment of creativity, concepts and ideas stripped of complicated processes, media and too often the distracting considerations of presentation.

There is an authenticity in a drawing, a truthfulness, freshness, and unfettered look into the artist’s mind. They don’t carry a burden of weight or labored influences born in larger complex works of art.

All drawings are the same size. $475.00 + tax & shipping.

Some photographs were taken in poor light but are done on bright white archival paper.

All the drawings (subject to prior sale) are signed originals but in some cases prints are available.

Drawing identifications appear in the lower left below each drawing. Signed and numbered prints are $325.00





 I have made drawings all my life, I cannot recall a time when I didn’t and sometimes got in trouble for it. I am also a writer but claim I’m quite unskilled for having failed to pay attention. In English class I found grammar and composition profoundly uninteresting and was, at the time, drawing pictures instead of listening. The fact is I love to draw and still care little about the parts of speech.

Drawings don’t sell well so galleries rarely show them. On the one hand there seems little interest, and on some occasions, certainly not for prices that even begin to reflect the time spent to create them…still I love to draw.

Drawings just pour out like water from a jar… they flow easily and naturally, at the end of a line or shaded area a surprise that sometimes feels like it created itself. Clean, an honest feeling with no pretense, kind of like a solitary  walk along the beach or pleasing stroll through the forest. I have special collectors whose primary interests are drawings. They tell me they want the captured moment of inspiration, “unvarnished.” They say on that paper, using that most basic medium they see the real unfettered me.  

Ah shucks!

July 1, 2022






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Tau Fine Art